Bulgakov Society

“The brick is neither here nor there,” interrupted the stranger in an imposing fashion, “it never merely falls on someone's head from out of nowhere. In your case, I can assure you that a brick poses no threat whatsoever. You will die another kind of death. "And you know just what that will be?” queried Berlioz with perfectly understandable irony, letting himself be drawn into a truly absurd conversation. “And can you tell me what that is? ''Gladly,” replied the stranger. He took Berlioz's measure as if intending to make him a suit and muttered something through his teeth that sounded like 'One, two.. Mercury in the Second House... the moon has set... six-misfortune...evening-seven...” Then he announced loudly and joyously, “Your head will be cut off!”
— Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

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is for everyone interested in the poetry and creativity, and life and times, of Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940).

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