Bulgakov Society Easter Lunch
Bulgacov Society Easter LunchBulgakov Society held its first literary lunch of 2021 on Easter Sunday, which include opening speech by Julia Charlton, speech by Dr Uther Charlton Stevens, a quiz about the Moscow Bulgakov Museum.
The Bulgakov Society wishes you a Happy New Year!
The Bulgakov Society wishes you a Happy New Year!
Bulgakov Society Online Gathering II
Bulgakov Society Online Gathering on 23 October 2020. Due the difficulties posed by the coronavirus, a meeting of members of the Society took place online. The theme of the meeting was Bulgakov’s “White Guard” – this novel, Mikhail Bulgakov’s literary debut, may in fact have saved the writer, whose works were often censored under the Soviet regime: Stalin was an avid fan of a play based on The White Guard and allegedly went to see it more than fifteen times.
“The White Guard”, Chapter XX – Weekly Reads
We have now reached the closure of what was a dramatic tale of the Turbin family and an example of the cruel and devastating effects of the war.
“The White Guard”, Chapter XIX – Weekly Reads
We are approaching the end of the novel. By 2 February, Aleksei, who had recovered enough to receive patients, was standing looking out the window. He could again hear gunfire in the distance. Has a new life commenced? Can it really be?
“The White Guard”, Chapter XVIII – Weekly Reads
Aleksei is dying. On hearing this dire news from the doctor, Elena goes into her room, lights the lamp in front of the icon, and gets on her knees. Will her praying help or be in vain?