“Notes On a Cuff”, Chapter VI – Weekly Reads

Dear friends!

It is quite possible that some of you followed Bulgakov’s path, for example, if you were in Tbilisi. In general, Georgia is a special place for Bulgakov. And “Notes on a Cuff” are proof of that. Enjoy reading Chapter VI!



What a bloody awful town Tiflis is! A second one’s arrived. In a bronze collar. Yes, bronze. And he spoke in a live magazine like that. I’m not joking! In a bronze collar, see!……………………………………………………

The novelist Slyozkin has been sent packing, regardless of his nation-wide reputation and his pregnant wife. That one’s taken his place. So much for Lit. and Dram. And money behind the carpet……………………………………………………..

Source: “Notes On the Cuff – And Other Stories”, Mikhail Bulgakov, translated by Alison Rise, Published December 31st 1991 by Ardis Publishers, 0875010571