“The Towel with a Cockerel Motif”, Installment 1 – Weekly Reads

Dear friends!

While the virus vaccine is under development, we would like to offer you another immediately available medicine – a good piece of literature. We are launching a free literature treatment for our Society members, allowing you to familiarise yourself with some of the lesser known Bulgakov masterpieces. We will be sending you several pages twice per week, so as not to overdose you.

Please find below the first few pages from “The towel with a cockerel motif”, a novel based on Bulgakov`s life as a doctor.


“The Towel with a Cockerel Motif” – Weekly Reads | Bulgakov Society


“The Towel with a Cockerel Motif” – Weekly Reads | Bulgakov Society


Source: “Young Doctor’s Notebook”, Mikhail Bulgakov, Alma Books, 2012, 1847493157, 9781847493156